David Merino

An anomaly planted in North America, developed in Central America and popped up in South America.

Welcome to my blog!

14 Sep 2019 »

First of all, Thank you for stopping by.

Who am I?

Hi, I am David Merino, a polymath from Costa Rica who loves to plant trees.

I was born in Cali, Colombia. It all started when I arrived at my mother´s uterus while she was in USA. I was then taken across Central America to Costa Rica and then taken by air to Colombia, where I exited my mother´s body. A few months after that I was taken back to Costa Rica to stay.

I have tremendous curiosity and I hope to be constantly producing something out of that.

I believe in the statement -

“Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable”

What is this site about?

Starting a blog and creating an online presense, to share my learnings was always a must for me. Finally today I decided to start doing it on my own site. I want to use this site as a place to share my experiences with interacting with this world, hoping someone will benefit from the findings.